You Are an Alchemist: make gold of that - William Shakespeare

"Awareness is the greatest alchemy there is.

Just go on becoming more and more aware

you will find your life changing for the better in every possible dimension.

It will bring great fulfilment" ~ Rajneesh


I love this quote by Rajneesh about Alchemy, it resonates with me as every time I get down to using paint I feel I am becoming more and more aware. Being aware and so in the moment is all we can do.

I have called my latest painting Alchemy, the initial inspiration came from photo references of a woman working with flour or grain. I love the focus of the pose and the suspended flour in the air, it tells a story of one moment. I decided that I would translate this into colour being thrown into the air and set about trying to create this in a spontaneous way.

I began by sketching out the pose in pencil and then trying to find an underlying structure. I love doing this, it gives a feeling of solidity for me.

The plan for colour was tricky but I knew that if I stuck to a limited palette range it could possibly work. I chose turquoise, pinks, blues and some warm tones.

When you see this painting from a distance there are several underlying structures or shapes for example a triangular shape that contains the figure and a type of cross (coming from the head down to the burst of colour on the left and the link to the right. This is not apparent unless you are looking for them but most of my paintings have this in them.

The Alchemist - view more details here

Combining an abstracted background was where I left the original drawing and took it into another level, I really enjoyed doing this it is absorbing looking for shapes and spaces that are created by adding paint in nearby areas. I think a frame for this painting would look gorgeous so I have a few examples of various colours here where you can also view the painting up close.

The finished painting was unexpected to me, it always is. At the beginning of a painting there is a loose idea and through the act of painting it is the journey I love so much. Eventually the painting is finished and I stand back and observe it. Did I do this? All I remember is that journey....

You Are an Alchemist: make gold of that - William Shakespeare

The Alchemist will have its first outing at the May Brighton Open House in May, more details to follow about that. I am also now open for home studio visits if you would like to see the painting or if local I can drop it round for a weekend. Do contact me on my mobile below if you wish to view the painting


Jane Mobile: 07779 499294


  • Love your Alchemist painting. It’s like a re-invention of an Old Master painting.

  • Love your Alchemist painting. It’s like a re-invention of an Old Master painting.


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